Devonian Gardens


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DESTINATIONS canada calgary Do & See Devonian Gardens

Devonian Gardens

The Devonian Gardens is a botanical garden located in Downtown Calgary, on the fourth floor of The Core shopping center. You don't have to buy a ticket in order to visit its living wall, koi carp ponds, fountains and waterfall, while kids can enjoy the playgrounds. Being enclosed in glass, natural light is all that you need in order to also see the art that adorns the walls, like masks and banners.

Do & See

The sight unfolding from the Observation Deck of Calgary Tower is a must for anyone visiting the city. From there, a wide range of activities opens up in front of you: visit the local zoo and meet different species of animals, get thrown back into the 1900s thanks to a historical village's reproduction of that era, or hike and relax in one of the town's many parks.

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