Divine Chocolatier


Copyright: Alexander Stein/Pixabay
DESTINATIONS canada montreal Shopping Divine Chocolatier

Divine Chocolatier

Buying chocolate in the supermarket is one thing, having it personally prepared by one of the most dedicated chocolatiers in Canada is another. Among the busy streets of Montreal lies a small boutique called the Divine Chocolatier. Richard Zwierzynski opened his store after being inspired by Willy Wonka and makes sure his customers experience a memorable visit.


There is an incredible amount of opportunities to shop for nearly anything under the sun in Montreal. And with an entire underground network of stores, hotels, and even offices nicknamed "Underground City", the cold of the winter is no excuse. Huge malls can be found throughout the whole city, but chances are Montreal will win you over with its nice markets, vintage stores or small local boutiques boasting of true Montreal style.

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