Postal Service


Copyright: Daniel Lobo/cc by 2.0/Flickr (cropped)
DESTINATIONS colombia bogota Tourist Information Postal Service

Postal Service

The main public post carrier in Colombia is the "4-72"; the office closest to you may be located on their website. It is important to note, however, that 4-72 is notoriously unreliable, and anything more valuable than a simple postcard is best sent via a private carrier, such as DHL. 4-72 has a reported success rate of somewhere between 70 and 50 percent, meaning that up to half of all mail sent through them is gone without a trace and never arrives at the intended addressee. It is also quite pricey to send mail abroad, especially if you choose to go for the "correo certificado" options, which allows one to track each mailing's location. To send with "certificado", you'll need to arrive at a physical office in person and present your official ID/passport number.

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