Ábaco Books and Coffee


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DESTINATIONS colombia cartagena Cafes Ábaco Books and Coffee

Ábaco Books and Coffee

One doesn't need to be a bookworm to appreciate this quaint locale's attractive concept, although being one would certainly add purpose to the visit. A cross-breed between book shop and cafe, Ábaco allows patrons to combine the joy of reading with that of savoring a great cup of joe, with the option of freely browsing through endless titles along ceiling-high bookshelves. There's a catch: most books are in Spanish, with only a limited selection in English.


Although Colombia exports some of the world's finest coffee beans, it is only as of recently that these have become increasingly available to country natives, rather than shipped off to be sold abroad. Beans that don't reach export quality continue to get brewed as the ubiquitous 'tinto' (which translates to "ink water"): a popular brew that's sold at every cafe and street corner, and often needs plenty of sugar to camouflage the bitterness. Colombia's budding coffee culture, spearheaded by young entrepreneurs, aims to introduce Colombians to unique flavour profiles originating in their own lands. Colombian beans are famously on the acidic side, with pronounced citrus notes (although coffee that comes from Colombia's north is known to be relatively less acidic, with more body). In Cartagena, one of the best places for an in-depth acquaintance with modern Colombian coffee culture is Café San Alberto, which offers a number of thematic workshops and courses (including tours of the plantation in Quindio, where all of their beans come from); for something quick and easy there are also multiple outlets of Juan Valdez Cafe (dubbed "the Colombian Starbucks").

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