Monumento a la Toma del Tren Blindado

Santa Clara

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DESTINATIONS cuba santaclara Do & See Monumento a la Toma del Tren Blindado

Monumento a la Toma del Tren Blindado

This monument commemorates the historic battle fought here by Che Guevara and a band of rebels, a decisive battle in their struggle to overturn the Batista regime. The original train cars have been in place since 1958. Visit the small museum to gain further insight into the battle and the revolution more generally.

Do & See

Life in Santa Clara is geographically centered around Parque Vidal, a pleasant park and square surrounded by museums, theaters and concert halls, all housed in some of the city's most beautiful buildings. Thematically, though, it revolves around Che Guevara and his role in the revolution and the battles fought here. Be sure to visit his mausoleum and the museum dedicated to his memory and struggles.

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