Tobia Teje House

Addis Ababa

Copyright: Ji-Elle/Wikimedia Commons
DESTINATIONS ethiopia addisababa Bars & Nightlife Tobia Teje House

Tobia Teje House

Although plenty of watering holes around Addis serve the murky, thick honey wine known as "tej" (tej bet = wine house), this one stands out for its breezy garden seating and very good quality kitfo. Menu is available in English.

Bars & Nightlife

Nightlife in the Ethiopian capital can be either very low-key or borderline raucous, depending on where you go. The country has a jazz tradition going back to the 60s, which was, sadly, temporarily suspended during the years of communist regime. Along with other kinds of live music, the jazz scene is now back up and ready to be thoroughly enjoyed at venues across town. Don't miss "tej" — a murky honey wine served in bulb-shaped glass containers at designated "tej houses" (tej bet), and not only.

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