unsicht-Bar — Dark Restaurant Berlin


Copyright: Terry Vlisidis/unsplash.com
DESTINATIONS germany berlin Dining unsicht-Bar — Dark Restaurant Berlin

unsicht-Bar — Dark Restaurant Berlin

Dark Restaurant Berlin has a softly lit bar and a completely dark dining room. Experience fine culinary delights with all your senses (minus sight) turned up to 11. Have fun at a murder mystery dinner, 'creepy castle' and other shows in total darkness. Some events include a menu that’s a complete surprise. Give your eyes a well-deserved break!


From a 3-course menu in a star-rated restaurant to boulettes or a doner kebab in the local snack bar — in Berlin there’s something to suit every taste and every budget. There are just no limits to the culinary diversities: Australian and French cuisine, exotic Asian dishes and the Berliner currywurst. Berlin’s regional cuisine is solid and tasty, served in cosy traditional pubs. A particular speciality is breakfast, which many cafes offer all day long — ideal for night owls who like to stay in bed a bit longer in the morning. In summer, the city life moves outside: beach bars along the banks of the Spree with a view of the water are specially favoured. They are perfect places for enjoying a cocktail or sipping a Berliner Weisse (wheat beer) after a sightseeing tour. The popular summer drink, a beer speciality mixed with raspberry or Waldmeister (woodruff) syrup, is something you really shouldn’t miss!

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