

Copyright: Oleksandra Naumenko/


Try the extrawurst sausage prepared by star chefs! The place has a modern ambience with comfortable seating out front. Get your gourmet currywurst (German sausage with curry sauce) and French fries. They also have an unusual range of homemade sauces like chilli-apricot or peanut satay. And if you pay a premium you’ll experience the saying “the customer is king” and get your currywurst served in gold leaf!


The old saying that “food and drink keep body and soul together” has fallen on fertile ground in Düsseldorf. The gastronomic choice includes rustic breweries whose menus list local specialities such as marinated beef, pork knuckle, black pudding or pea soup. This is the home of the “Halve Hahn” – not half a chicken, but a cheese speciality with cumin and onions, eaten with a small rye roll, a “Röggelchen” in the vernacular. For the gourmets, there are chefs conjuring up stars on the gastronomic sky. Some of them are indisputably amongst Germany’s best. It is recommended to reserve tables, and especially so during trade fair times! In recent years, the number of Restaurants in the MedienHafen has doubled. At night it is a hot spot for the trendy people, and after-work parties in the harbor have attained cult status. After leaving work, the question here is: a taste of Italy, Cuban atmosphere, designer restaurant or sushi?

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