Biblical Zoo & Tisch Zoological Gardens


Copyright: Mathias Appel/public domain/Flickr
DESTINATIONS israel jerusalem Do & See Biblical Zoo & Tisch Zoological Gardens

Biblical Zoo & Tisch Zoological Gardens

If you feel in need of a break from cultural sightseeing, find some natural beauty and light-hearted entertainment in this 62-acre-big zoo. Children will enjoy exploring the zoo and seeing the animals up close. The facility hosts a variety of endangered species. The zoo's main theme is peculiar: it focuses on animals mentioned in the Bible — you're in the cradle of western religion, after all.

Do & See

With spiritual milestones and millennia-old landmarks around every corner, Jerusalem is a labyrinth of things to do for sightseeing enthusiasts — exciting, but easily overwhelming. Below is a selection museums, places of worship, archaeological sites, and excursion ideas.

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