Restaurant Hovs Hallar


Copyright: Ängelholms Näringsliv
DESTINATIONS sweden angelholm Dining Restaurant Hovs Hallar

Restaurant Hovs Hallar

Our restaurant and patio sit in the corner of the hotel that has the best views over the ocean. We serve a variety of locally produced vegetables and meat from farms located on Bjärebygden (The Bjäre peninsula) and fish directly from the ocean. Some of the vegetables come directly from our own farm that lies about 300 meters from the hotel. Its hard to get more locally produced than this. You are always welcome to join us for a Swedish fika in the restaurant. Our restaurant is open for dinner guests. We serve a delicious two or three course dinner.


Food is a great way to enjoy life and in Ängelholm there are many ways to regale your taste buds, whether it is rustic Swedish fare or international cuisine you are after. Try a genuine regional smorgasbord, delicacies fresh from the sea or Spanish tapas. To Swedes, the morning and afternoon coffee break is verging on sacred and in Ängelholm there are many places to have a nice cup of tea or coffee; from pleasant country cafés to trendy coffee bars. A hot waffle from the Hembygdsparken café is also sure to hit the spot! As evening descends, several bars and night clubs in the town centre throw open their doors.

JMC Getaways 6319871023