Birgit Nilsson Museum

Helsingborg Region

Copyright: Familjen Helsingborg
DESTINATIONS sweden familjenhelsingborg Do & See Birgit Nilsson Museum

Birgit Nilsson Museum

Sweden’s most famous international opera singer, Birgit Nilsson (1918-2005) is both a global celebrity and a national treasure. “La Nilsson” was the 20th century’s leading dramatic soprano and a legendary interpreter of the works of Wagner. The Birgit Nilsson Museum is housed in her childhood home in Svenstorp near Båstad, and is an ordinary Swedish farmstead.

Do & See

Here in northwest Skåne we have extra everything! And it's close to everything. It is close to farm shops with award winning sausages, potteries, emerald green golf courses, castles with flowering gardens, freshly baked vanilla hearts, ancient fishing villages and long Sand Beach. Welcome to our home!

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