Deep Sea fishing in Öresund

Helsingborg Region

Copyright: Lanskronabåtarna
DESTINATIONS sweden familjenhelsingborg Do & See Deep Sea fishing in Öresund

Deep Sea fishing in Öresund

In between Landskrona and Ven there is something unique in fishing circles. Here you can catch cod with rod, which is not possible in the Baltic Sea or on the West Coast of Sweden, Sea fishing is not only an activity for experienced recreational anglers, but also for families with children and friends who are fishing for the first time. This year, fishing trips from Landskrona are arranged with spacious fishing boats to Sweden's best sea fishing waters in the deep holes between Landskrona and Ven. Pilk fishing in deep water where you can catch cod, herring and mackerel is popular all year-round. For more fishing tip you can contact Nyhamn Fiske and Marina in Landskrona.

Do & See

Here in northwest Skåne we have extra everything! And it's close to everything. It is close to farm shops with award winning sausages, potteries, emerald green golf courses, castles with flowering gardens, freshly baked vanilla hearts, ancient fishing villages and long Sand Beach. Welcome to our home!

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