
Helsingborg Region

Copyright: Familjen Helsingborg
DESTINATIONS sweden familjenhelsingborg Do & See Kattegattleden


Explore the nature and the culture by bike! For the first time in Sweden you can do this on a internationall cycling trail. It is 370 kilometres long, almost free from cars, with unique seaside locations and goes from Helsingborg in the south to Gothenburg in the north, all the way through Halland. Kattegattleden is divided into 8 sections and under these sections you'll find interesting tourist destinations, places to stay, rent a bike and get service along the trail. Go cycling through fantastic landscapes, eat on a small authentic restaurang, swim among rocks or soft sand, and just enjoy the wind in your face and our beautiful country.

Do & See

Here in northwest Skåne we have extra everything! And it's close to everything. It is close to farm shops with award winning sausages, potteries, emerald green golf courses, castles with flowering gardens, freshly baked vanilla hearts, ancient fishing villages and long Sand Beach. Welcome to our home!

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