Lindahl & Färnert Guldsmeder


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DESTINATIONS sweden uppsala Shopping Lindahl & Färnert Guldsmeder

Lindahl & Färnert Guldsmeder

You may wonder how it's possible to create a delicate piece of jewellery. Luckily, there is an extraordinaire shop in Uppsala where you can't only buy jewellery, but you can see how it's made! Most of the design is made by the shop itself, so you won't find a piece of jewellery like it anywhere but in Lindahl & Färnert Guldsmeder. The shop and its methods has existed for over a hundred years and for the people from Uppsala it's still the place to be to buy jewellery or get your broken/damaged pieces fixed.


Uppsala is a lively shopping city. There is a nice mix of modern malls, specialty shops, cafés and restaurants. Shop, have a coffee or just enjoy the pulse of the city and the beautiful Uppsala surroundings. You can take a walk among the charming shops in the cobblestone cultural district around the Fyris River and St. Erik's Square, or along the popular pedestrian street where most of the city's fashionable malls and chain stores are located. If you continue under the railroad tracks, you will find small shops and the old Godsmagasinet, a former goods warehouse that now serves as a popular design and art gallery.

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