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Hours of Operation

Most branches of HSBC Bermuda are open weekdays from 9 to 4:30. All branches of Butterfield Bank are open weekdays from 9 to 4. Bermuda Commercial Bank (19 Par-La-Ville Road,) operates weekdays from 9 to 5. Clarien Bank (25 Reid Street, Hamilton) is open weekdays from 8:30 to 4 and Saturday from 9:30 to 1:30.

Many gas stations are open daily from 7 am to 9 pm, and a few stay open until midnight. The island's only 24-hour gas station is Esso City Auto Market in Hamilton, near the Bank of Butterfield, off Par-La-Ville Road.

Hours vary greatly, but museums are generally open Monday through Saturday from 9 or 9:30 to 4:30 or 5. Some close on Saturday. Check with individual museums for exact hours.

Pharmacies are open Monday through Saturday from 8 am to 6 or 8 pm, and sometimes Sunday from around 11 to 6 pm.

Most stores are open Monday through Saturday from around 9 until 5 or 6. Some Hamilton stores keep evening hours when cruise ships are in port. Dockyard shops are generally open Monday through Saturday from 10 to 5, Sunday from 11 to 5. The Bermuda government recently made it legal for all stores to open on Sunday, although most shops have yet to take advantage of the change. Those that are open—mainly grocery stores and pharmacies—have abbreviated hours.


On Sunday and national public holidays, all shops, businesses, and many restaurants in Bermuda close. Buses and ferries run on limited schedules. Most entertainment venues, sights, and sports outfitters remain open. When holidays fall on a Saturday, government and commercial offices close the following Monday, but restaurants and shops remain open.

Bermuda celebrates a two-day public holiday for Emancipation Day/Somers Day and Cup Match in late July or early August, when the whole island comes to a standstill for the annual cricket match between the East and West ends of Bermuda. National public holidays are New Year's Day, Good Friday, Bermuda Day (late May), National Heroes Day (mid-June), Labour Day (early September), Remembrance Day (early November), Christmas, and Boxing Day (December 26).


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