Fort George Ruins

George Town

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DESTINATIONS georgetown Do & See Fort George Ruins

Fort George Ruins

Fort George was a colonial era fortification that was built in 1790s to protect the harbour. By the 20th century, the fort was no longer in use. Only a tall silk cotton tree growing within the fort was used as a lookout post to spot German submarines that patrolled the Caribbean waters. Today, very little remains of the structure. The ruins belong to the National Trust for the Cayman Islands and are an important remnant of the colonial times.

Do & See

Grand Cayman is a treasure chest of fun activities, history and culture. The remains of the colonial era fortification Fort George greet you right as you step off the ship. The Cayman Islands National Museum and Cayman Maritime Treasure Museum are a short walk away from the port. Further north, make a brief stop at "Hell"— a jagged football field–size area of limestone rock formations.

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